Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010


Japanese Catholics underwent much persecution when Christianity first began to spread. They would use images of Kannon, the Buddhist bodhisattva of mercy, as an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary and pray for Her intercession. These images and statues became known as, "Maria-Kannon". This has special importance to me, because Mary reached me through Kannon and brought me from my solitary form of Zen-Buddhism to the fullness of the Catholic Faith. I call this black and white layered photo Maria-Kannon because of the elegant female face with demure, down cast eyes that waits to be found among the shadows.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Angelic Script

Ink on notebook paper. Obviously a collegiate doodle. Unknown date.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Virgen Del Carmen

This deteriorated scrap of an image of La Virgen del Carmen (Our Lady of Mount Carmel) washed up on our curb several weeks ago. I hate to see a sacramental discarded, and thought there was a beauty to the way this has decayed, so I saved and laminated it. I'm posting it in honor of Her Feastday, which is today, 16 July. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray for us!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Jimmy the Squeak

This was my attempt at a Wanted Poster complete with composite sketch. The little
guy was cute, but still unwelcome.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Temptation of Eastern Mysticism

I found this pencil sketch I did back in 1997, the title is a retrospective evaluation.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Welcome Visitor

This beauty came to sample our flowers and was kind enough to let me get close-up for a decent photo. Canon EOS Digital Rebel Sxi with Canon EF-S 18-55mm Zoom Lens.

St. Michael

My attempt at Iconography... a bit cartoonish. Acrylic on Wood.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Everyone out of the water!

Sawfish... Look out, man!


I made a fishing game for my daughter by printing clipart on business cards, laminating it, and attaching a paperclip. We tie a magnet to a twig with some string and then we fish for the cards that are upside-down on the floor. There were some pictures I wanted that I couldn't find existing clipart I liked, so that's where these oceanic drawings are coming from.

Friday, June 4, 2010







Uninvited Guest

Please go away.

Kaleidoscope Face

I tried to capture this from a dream where the different
parts of the face where changing and flipping, searching for the perfect deception.

Emerging Face

Dancing Angel

Desert Sun

Inner Turmoil

the boy with lies for eyes

In this dream, this boy was taking over the whole world with his charm and winning smile. I was the only one who realized that everything he said was a calculated lie, and the only one to notice that when you looked into his eyes all that could be seen was the emptiness of deep space.